Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
 CAlertAn alert, indicating some sort of incident in the public transit network
 CEntitySelectorA selector for an entity in a GTFS feed
 CFeedEntityA definition (or update) of an entity in the transit feed
 CFeedHeaderMetadata about a feed, included in feed messages
 CFeedMessageThe contents of a feed message
 CNyctFeedHeaderNYCT Subway extensions for the feed header
 CNyctStopTimeUpdateNYCT Subway extensions for the stop time update
 CNyctTripDescriptorNYCT Subway extensions for the trip descriptor
 CPositionA position
 CTimeRangeLow level data structures used above
 CTranslatedStringAn internationalized message containing per-language versions of a snippet of text or a URL
 CTripDescriptorA descriptor that identifies an instance of a GTFS trip, or all instances of a trip along a route
 CTripUpdateEntities used in the feed
 CStopTimeEventTiming information for a single predicted event (either arrival or departure)
 CStopTimeUpdateRealtime update for arrival and/or departure events for a given stop on a trip
 CVehicleDescriptorIdentification information for the vehicle performing the trip
 CVehiclePositionRealtime positioning information for a given vehicle