Here is a list of all documented class members with links to the class documentation for each member:
- a -
- active_period : Alert
- actual_track : NyctStopTimeUpdate , OVapiStopTimeUpdate
- ADDED : TripDescriptor
- agency_id : EntitySelector
- b -
- bearing : Position
- c -
- CANCELED : TripDescriptor
- Cause : Alert
- commercial_mode_id : OVapiTripDescriptor
- CongestionLevel : VehiclePosition
- current_status : VehiclePosition
- current_stop_sequence : VehiclePosition
- d -
- delay : OVapiVehiclePosition , TripUpdate , TripUpdate::StopTimeEvent
- description_text : Alert
- direction : NyctTripDescriptor
- Direction : NyctTripDescriptor
- direction_id : TripDescriptor
- e -
- Effect : Alert
- EMPTY : VehiclePosition
- end : TimeRange
- entity : FeedMessage
- f -
- FEW_SEATS_AVAILABLE : VehiclePosition
- FULL : VehiclePosition
- g -
- gtfs_realtime_version : FeedHeader
- h -
- header : FeedMessage
- header_text : Alert
- i -
- id : FeedEntity , VehicleDescriptor
- IN_TRANSIT_TO : VehiclePosition
- INCOMING_AT : VehiclePosition
- Incrementality : FeedHeader
- informed_entity : Alert
- is_assigned : NyctTripDescriptor
- is_deleted : FeedEntity
- l -
- label : VehicleDescriptor
- language : TranslatedString::Translation
- latitude : Position
- license_plate : VehicleDescriptor
- longitude : Position
- m -
- MANY_SEATS_AVAILABLE : VehiclePosition
- n -
- NO_DATA : TripUpdate::StopTimeUpdate
- nyct_subway_version : NyctFeedHeader
- o -
- OccupancyStatus : VehiclePosition
- odometer : Position
- p -
- position : VehiclePosition
- r -
- realtime_trip_id : OVapiTripDescriptor
- replacement_period : TripReplacementPeriod
- route_id : TripDescriptor , TripReplacementPeriod
- route_type : EntitySelector
- s -
- SCHEDULED : TripDescriptor , TripUpdate::StopTimeUpdate
- scheduled_track : NyctStopTimeUpdate , OVapiStopTimeUpdate
- ScheduleRelationship : TripDescriptor , TripUpdate::StopTimeUpdate
- SEVERE_CONGESTION : VehiclePosition
- SKIPPED : TripUpdate::StopTimeUpdate
- speed : Position
- STANDING_ROOM_ONLY : VehiclePosition
- start : TimeRange
- start_date : TripDescriptor
- start_time : TripDescriptor
- station_id : OVapiStopTimeUpdate
- stop_headsign : OVapiStopTimeUpdate
- stop_id : TripUpdate::StopTimeUpdate , VehiclePosition
- stop_sequence : TripUpdate::StopTimeUpdate
- stop_time_update : TripUpdate
- STOPPED_AT : VehiclePosition
- STRIKE : Alert
- t -
- text : TranslatedString::Translation
- time : TripUpdate::StopTimeEvent
- timestamp : FeedHeader , TripUpdate , VehiclePosition
- to : Alert , EntitySelector , FeedEntity , FeedHeader , FeedMessage , Position , TimeRange , TranslatedString , TranslatedString::Translation , TripDescriptor , TripUpdate::StopTimeEvent , TripUpdate::StopTimeUpdate , TripUpdate , VehicleDescriptor , VehiclePosition
- train_id : NyctTripDescriptor
- translation : TranslatedString
- trip : TripUpdate , VehiclePosition
- trip_headsign : OVapiTripUpdate
- trip_id : TripDescriptor
- trip_replacement_period : NyctFeedHeader
- trip_short_name : OVapiTripDescriptor
- trip_update : FeedEntity
- u -
- uncertainty : TripUpdate::StopTimeEvent
- UNSCHEDULED : TripDescriptor
- url : Alert
- v -
- vehicle : TripUpdate , VehiclePosition
- VehicleStopStatus : VehiclePosition